Energy saving and comfort is the future development direction of electric fan industryBACK

Release Time:2016/11/21 17:23:41 hits:3933

With the debut summer end and "autumn", "electric fans began to debut". However, the State Administration of quality supervision, the most recent national supervision and inspection of the fan products showed that 70 kinds of electric fan products are not in line with the provisions of the standard, the failure rate of up to 18.6%.
Enterprise quality consciousness to "charge"
It is understood that this sampling involves 5 provinces, municipalities, Chongqing, Guangdong and other provinces and municipalities, the production of 70 kinds of electric fan products, including the United States, GREE and other brands, such as. The project includes 21 items, such as the protection of live parts, leakage current and electric strength, air volume, energy efficiency, noise and so on. The result shows, including morning hung, drilling and other 13 products do not meet standards, unqualified projects involving air, protection, stability and mechanical hazards, noise on access to live parts etc.. More than half of the fans there is insufficient air.
Most of these projects are on the security, performance and other very basic indicators, these indicators are not in line with the standard requirements, indicating that many products in terms of quality, even the basic requirements are not clearance." Xu Dongsheng pointed out that an important cause of the occurrence of such a situation, many enterprises because of cost considerations, do not pay attention to quality control in investment, resulting in electric fan product quality problems. This problem also exposed the long-standing problems of the small household electrical appliance industry, there is a short board in terms of quality control, compared with the overall quality of the overall quality of electrical products, the quality of small household electrical appliances there is a big gap.
Appliance analyst Liang Zhenpeng said that the technical threshold of electric fan is not high, now even the most basic quality and safety are not guaranteed, because the low-end products as the electric fan itself profits thin, and enterprises in order to reduce costs, shoddy work, reduce technological requirements, guide to fan low qualified rate.
Industry development tends to be stable
In recent years, with the air conditioning family is gaining popularity, especially in large and medium-sized city, on the electric fan industry development fate, has attracted widespread attention outside the industry, and even some people called the "sunset industry". In this case, the traditional electric fans can only survive in the low-end, convenient, compact and so on.
Agencies have on China's 11 large and medium-sized city appliance stores consumers conducted a survey showed that part of the consumer choice of electric fan is based on the price factor to buy nearly 52%; the appearance and function of the factors of electric fan for the leading consumer factors, plays a role in determining the larger.
Reporters in Beijing Gome, Suning Appliance stores interviewed 16 consumers, they said, although the house has installed air conditioning, but will still buy the electric fan in Beijing is not very hot, the electric fan is used more power.
Energy saving and comfort is the future direction
Remote control electric fan, electric fan, air conditioning fan mosquito...... With the advent of a variety of new electric fan products market, the ancient electric fans have begun to re radiate new vitality. These new products in appearance and function are more pursuit of individuality, and computer control, sleep wind, natural wind, negative ion function etc. these belong to the air conditioning function is electric fan by many manufacturers, and to increase the utility function of lighting, and more repellent. The appearance of these products not sticking to formalities and functionaldiversity, predicts the development trend of the electric fan industry.
Experts said that a variety of new features of electric fans, both to highlight the personality, but also improve the level of the invisible. Humanized selling visible electric fan, largely due to the appearance of the product is novel and function of the electric fan enterprises want to gain a firm foothold in the market, and lead the trend, in the appearance and function of product of time, rapid increase in market share is a good way.
In fact, the fan industry in recent years has been in self innovation, such as the frequency conversion technique is introduced to Emmett fan control, are described in the technical aspects of the electric fan also have their own space for development." Xu Dongsheng said that on the whole, the pursuit of energy efficiency and comfort, is the future direction of the development of the electric fan industry.
From the market situation of the electric fan in recent years, the increasing importance of the brand have been fully aware of the difference of the product features, such as the United States, Emmett fan air fan, LIAN air-conditioning fan, have achieved good market performance. According to a survey, convenience, health, novelty, energy-saving electric fan function, as consumers pay more attention to the index, lightweight, beautiful appearance, has become a major factor affecting consumer purchase.
At present, China has implemented the energy efficiency labeling system for fans, its energy consumption is divided into 3 levels, of which the market access threshold for the level of 3, the low energy consumption for the 1. Electric fan products in order to improve the grade and gross margin, we must focus on power saving, mute performance on the effort to improve its energy efficiency and comfort." Liang Zhenpeng said.
Remote control electric fan, electric fan, air conditioning fan mosquito...... With the advent of a variety of new electric fan products market, the ancient electric fans have begun to re radiate new vitality. These new products in appearance and function are more pursuit of individuality, and computer control, sleep wind, natural wind, negative ion function etc. these belong to the air conditioning function is electric fan by many manufacturers, and to increase the utility function of lighting, and more repellent. The appearance of these products not sticking to formalities and functionaldiversity, predicts the development trend of the electric fan industry.
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